FinovateAsia 2021 / Strands

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Strands is a FinTech software company and part of the CRIF Group, which develops AI-driven solutions for banks and financial institutions to help increase customer engagement and generate new revenue through digital channels.

With the mission of improving the bank-client relationship, Strands draws on its more than 15 years’ experience in Big Data, Machine Learning, and AI, developing highly-personalized digital money management solutions that empower people to better manage their lives and their businesses, and to make smarter financial decisions.

How they describe their product/innovation: Financial control, foresight, and wellbeing for retail banking customers. Driven by Artificial Intelligence, Strands’ PFM means smarter money management for the customer, improved bank-user engagement and a greater share of wallet for the bank.

Strands PFM allows banks to know how people spend, then help them do it better. With all their accounts in one place and simple, categorized transactions, customers are more able to plan ahead and budget, creating financial goals for the future.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)


Bus. Dev.: Leandro Gimeno, Global Head of Sales,
Press: Marketing,

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