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Optimize Onboarding to Maximize Revenue

Optimize Onboarding to Maximize Revenue

Markets around the world have shifted from a growth-at-all-costs mentality to a more targeted approach that emphasizes onboarding the right customers while decreasing acquisition costs. But costs alone don’t tell the whole story. Successful customer onboarding strategies take into account risk tolerance, user experience, abandonment rates, operational costs, and the lifetime value of a good customer.

In this webinar, we’ll share how some of the world’s leading fintechs have optimized their onboarding to realize double-digit verification rate increases in key markets, improve onboarding rates, and gain significant operational savings.

Zac Cohen from Trulioo will share firsthand insights, including:

  • Key strategies to immediately optimize onboarding
  • How analytics changes the game for consumer and business verification
  • Real-world examples of how optimization can improve performance, speed, and the customer experience

Efficiencies deployed only during lean times can lead to short-term gains. But optimization with an eye toward the future can drive a long-term competitive advantage.

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