Key Themes & Changes in Wealth Management Client Experience and the Impact of Generative AI

Key Themes & Changes in Wealth Management Client Experience and the Impact of Generative AI

Upcoming Finovate webinar, Tuesday, 28 November, 11am ET / 8am PT, co-sponsored by Genesys and AWS

Hear wealth management experts from Genesys and AWS discuss how to navigate the changing client experience landscape. Learn how to leverage cloud technology to optimize your service model, balance shifting priorities, and enable goals-based wealth management. We’ll also explore how new technologies like generative artificial intelligence (AI) can enhance the client experience.

Webinar takeaways:

  • Learn about the evolution of the different service models, including Advisor-led, Self-serve and Hybrid approaches and growing client needs from UHNWI, HNWI, Family office, and Mass affluent customers
  • Gain a deeper understanding of client experience priorities including onboarding, service and channels, personalization, security, and education/financial literacy
  • Understand the potential and client use cases for generative AI – what’s real now and what’s coming next, the approach, and using it for internal vs. external workflows

Optimize Onboarding to Maximize Revenue

Optimize Onboarding to Maximize Revenue

Markets around the world have shifted from a growth-at-all-costs mentality to a more targeted approach that emphasizes onboarding the right customers while decreasing acquisition costs. But costs alone don’t tell the whole story. Successful customer onboarding strategies take into account risk tolerance, user experience, abandonment rates, operational costs, and the lifetime value of a good customer.

In this webinar, we’ll share how some of the world’s leading fintechs have optimized their onboarding to realize double-digit verification rate increases in key markets, improve onboarding rates, and gain significant operational savings.

Zac Cohen from Trulioo will share firsthand insights, including:

  • Key strategies to immediately optimize onboarding
  • How analytics changes the game for consumer and business verification
  • Real-world examples of how optimization can improve performance, speed, and the customer experience

Efficiencies deployed only during lean times can lead to short-term gains. But optimization with an eye toward the future can drive a long-term competitive advantage.

In collaboration with

Building the Foundations for Next-Gen Technology to Transform Customer Experience

Building the Foundations for Next-Gen Technology to Transform Customer Experience

Finovate webinar, in collaboration with InterSystems, Thu 12 Oct, 3pm BST / 10am ET

How can financial services firms improve the client journey and experience? Next-generation technologies that advance digital transformation are at the heart of that answer, but these rely on the firm’s ability to gather and analyze all available data across the business.

By now, many in financial services will have adopted technologies such as AI, ML, and analytics to enhance the experience their customers receive. However, to reach their full potential, they depend heavily on a solid data technology platform to build, train, and continuously improve model quality and predictions.

Hyper-personalization can foster loyalty in an era in which loyalty has declined, and it pushes customers and investors towards those firms which can be agile in what they offer. This level of hyper-personalization offers immense growth opportunities for all providers if they can cater to small and specific groups – but on a large scale.

Watch this webinar and learn from the experts:

  • How to achieve competitive differentiation by delivering better customer experiences.
  • How to optimize your existing infrastructure with a smart data fabric.
  • How other firms are building these data foundations and the results of their deployment.

On the panel:

  • Joe Lichtenberg, Global Head of Product and Industry Marketing, InterSystems
  • Virginie O’Shea, CEO and Founder, Firebrand Research

In collaboration with

Identity Verification in the World of Global Money Movement

Identity Verification in the World of Global Money Movement

As new trends emerge, such as the growth of P2P push payments, businesses need to implement verification processes to better protect their customers. Additionally, cross-border transactions require meticulous compliance with international AML regulations which can be challenging to navigate.

In this webinar, we’ll explore the role of identity in global payments and moving money across borders. Join our experts as they discuss strategies to ensure seamless customer experiences while staying fully compliant, incorporating essential concepts like KYB and KYC.

Key points of discussion will include:

  • Best trust and safety and compliance practices for moving money cross border and instantly 
  • How account creation fraud spurs push payment fraud and ways to mitigate these joint abuses 
  • How payments can be, simply put, better 

In collaboration with

Why Your KYB is Only as Good as Your KYC

Why Your KYB is Only as Good as Your KYC

In 2022, global fines for failing to prevent money laundering (AML) and other financial crime surged more than 50 percent, totaling more than $2 billion in the banking sector alone. With the ever-increasing complexity of AML regulations and the global nature of financial services, financial institutions are investing more resources into compliance and due diligence to protect their businesses. 

Join us for an engaging conversation about the complexity of Know Your Business (KYB) and Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations and discover how a single, integrated identity platform can help streamline the process of truly knowing the entity and the people you are doing business with.

In this webinar, you will learn: 

  • The latest trends in KYB and KYC and how to protect your business
  • How artificial intelligence can help streamline tedious, manual verification processes
  • New strategies for verifying people and businesses with an integrated identity platform

In collaboration with

Finovate Webinar: 7 Trends for Community Financial Services in 2023

Finovate Webinar: 7 Trends for Community Financial Services in 2023

Recession. Widespread staffing shortages. Increasing fraud. Customer demands — and advancements in technology like we’ve never seen. We’ve learned a lot about the current industry landscape so far in this first quarter alone, but there are still questions that loom large. Such as:

  • Will the threat of fraud ever go away?
  • Can my call center really become a revenue generator?
  • How will pending legislation around real-time payments and open finance affect our customers?
  • Should we really consider using TikTok?

Watch this Finovate webinar, in collaboration with Eltropy, on demand, and find out the top seven trends that CFIs like you should be focusing on in the coming year. You’ll discover:

  • Which trends are the most crucial to ensure success for your CFI this year
  • How the right digital strategies and tools can make or break your institution
  • Examples of what’s working and what’s not in financial services

You’ll hear from Jonny Manousaridis, social media & customer marketing manager, Eltropy, and banking strategy expert David Hall.

Digital Identity: Fintech’s Key to Unlocking Growth

Digital Identity: Fintech’s Key to Unlocking Growth

In today’s digital-first environment, fraud threats are growing in sophistication and scope, and risks of online and financial crime have intensified. At the same time, fintechs are prioritizing growth, and need to do so in a way that is safe, secure, and keeps bad actors out. 

Watch back on this Finovate webinar, with Experian Chief Innovation Officer for Decision Analytics Kathleen Peters, as she explores the meaning of digital identity, and how fintechs can leverage identity-proofing strategies to position themselves for growth without diminishing security. Learn:

  • The role of digital identities in advancing increased personalization, speed, and growth responsibly in fintech and financial services
  • How data can aid in making smart, risk-based decisions across the user journey 
  • How to unlock financial growth opportunities by offering solutions to previously unavailable consumers due to verification constraints

Onboarding: Customizing the User Journey

Onboarding: Customizing the User Journey

The first step of the customer journey is often a user’s onboarding on a platform or application. This critical phase predicates how a user interacts with a business, and often cements their first impression and subsequent brand loyalty.

Identity verification plays an important role in ensuring a user exists and is who they say they are. But businesses must strike a fine balance of friction and convenience. Too little friction in the identity verification process might result in bad actors flooding in. This can damage a business’s reputation, and give the impression that a platform is unsafe. Too much friction might result in user frustration and attrition.

How can businesses seamlessly and securely onboard users? Orchestration holds the key to unlocking customer-centric practices, customizing the user journey, and ultimately ensuring legitimate users are allowed in while bad actors are stopped.

Watch this webinar featuring Hal Lonas, Trulioo Chief Technology Officer, on

  • What identity proofing orchestration entails and how active and passive methods of authentication can be layered during the onboarding process
  • How orchestration goes hand-in-hand with a risk-based approach to onboarding and establishing trust and safety between businesses and users
  • What business, customer risk, and regulatory factors to consider when adopting a risk-based approach 

Driving World-Class SME Lending Experiences

Driving World-Class SME Lending Experiences

How to power rapid approvals and accelerate your SME lending processes

Forty-four percent of SMEs look to funding to meet operating expenses, with this number expected to grow considerably during times of economic uncertainty. Fifty-six percent of SMEs seek funds to expand business operations or to pursue new market opportunities. But waiting months or even weeks for credit approval and funding can mean the difference between innovation and business closure.

Traditional financial services organizations may find lending to SMEs difficult, but fintechs are rising to the challenge. Simplified application processes, rapid approvals, and access to funds quickly makes working with digital lenders an obviously attractive choice. 

Because if you aren’t making it easy for SMEs to get the credit they need, your competitors will.

Catch up on this panel discussion with industry experts, in collaboration with Provenir, and discover how to:
•    Power faster, simplified application processes 
•    Make smarter, faster decisions and get to market faster
•    Future-proof your decision technology to keep up as market trends/demands evolve
•    Use advanced, predictive analytics like AI to keep risk in check

Featuring Corinne Llelti, Commercial Sales Director, EMEA, Provenir; Alex Daly
Chief Finance and Risk Officer, Ask Inclusive Finance Group; and Julie Muhn, Senior Research Analyst, Finovate.

The Hidden Costs of Fraud and Dispute Management: Where to Automate the Process and Reduce Losses

The Hidden Costs of Fraud and Dispute Management: Where to Automate the Process and Reduce Losses

The fintech and payments industries are rapidly evolving. Isn’t it time fraud and dispute management processes did as well? Financial institutions not seeking alternatives to legacy infrastructure are constrained in their ability to automate and streamline lengthy and manual processes, such as chargeback management.

In this webinar, Quavo’s SVP, Revenue Executive Brittany Usher, and KeyBank’s Head of Enterprise Fraud Services, Jen Martin, will join Finovate’s Julie Muhn to discuss initial steps toward automation for issuing financial institutions seeking to overhaul their pre-existing manual and legacy systems. Along with providing business case examples, Brittany and Jen will elaborate on the lessons learned from implementing new software, conducting a cost analysis examining price per transaction, chargeback recoveries, manual intervention, fines, and overhead costs.


  • Discover tips on the first steps to take when seeking to overhaul preexisting manual/legacy systems with real life examples and lessons learned. This is a common obstacle to implementing new software. 
  • Learn how to set up data requirements, merchant collab software, accounting, and more.
  • Conduct current cost analysis – price per transaction, chargeback recovery, manual intervention, fines, overhead, and more.

Bridging the Gap: Connecting Banks with Fintech Applications to Accelerate Innovation

Bridging the Gap: Connecting Banks with Fintech Applications to Accelerate Innovation

The rate of innovation within the financial services sector has increased dramatically. As traditional financial services organizations attempt to keep pace, they often leverage technology from fintech providers to quickly develop or provision new cloud-based applications.

As a result, over half of fintechs globally are looking to implement new technologies that will support financial service organizations to better meet customer demand, enhance agility, and improve competitiveness. 

In order to achieve these goals, financial services organizations need to be able to easily leverage and provision new fintech services and applications, and to seamlessly integrate their existing production applications and data sources with these applications.

This is where a real-time bidirectional data gateway comes in.

This webinar will discuss how a seamless connection between cloud-based fintech applications and financial services customers’ production applications and data assets will enable faster innovation to execute a wide range of business initiatives, from offering more personalized services tailored to individual customers to streamlining operations and improving compliance with regulations. 

In collaboration with InterSystems, watch back on this webinar featuring:

  • Joe Lichtenberg, Product and Industry Marketing Director, InterSystems
  • Michael Hom, Head of Financial Services Solutions, InterSystems
  • Moderated by David Penn, Research Analyst, Finovate

Photo by Klas Tauberman

Finovate Webinar: AI in Fintech – Driving Innovation, Inclusion, and Impact

Finovate Webinar: AI in Fintech – Driving Innovation, Inclusion, and Impact

Upcoming Webinar: AI in Fintech: Driving innovation, inclusion, and impact
Date: Thursday, April 28, 2022 | Time: 02:00 PM British Summer Time

Artificial intelligence is more than just the latest buzzword – using AI has a meaningful impact on decisions across the entire customer lifecycle. From improving fraud detection and decisioning accuracy to optimizing pricing and managing bias, AI has a key role to play in changing the way financial services products are developed and offered to customers.

Join the upcoming Finovate webinar for a panel discussion covering how AI can:

  • Improve fraud detection and identify pre-delinquency patterns
  • Power financial inclusion with alternative data
  • Enable business growth with faster onboarding and optimized pricing for a personalized, superior customer experience
  • Expand your customer base without increasing your risk

Who is on the panel?

Lorenzo Blesa, Global Head of Risk Strategy &
Tech-Data-ESG Projects and Operations, BBVA

Carol Hamilton, Senior Vice President, Global Solutions, Provenir

David Penn, Research Analyst, Finovate

Register now >>