FinovateSpring 2023 / 1Kosmos

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: 1Kosmos enables passwordless access for workers, customers and citizens to securely transact with digital services. By unifying identity proofing and strong authentication, the BlockID platform creates a distributed digital identity that prevents identity impersonation, account takeover and fraud, while delivering frictionless user experiences. BlockID is the only NIST, FIDO2, and iBeta biometrics certified platform that performs millions of authentications daily for some of the largest banks, telecommunications, and healthcare organizations in the world.

How they describe their product/innovation: We’re presenting our modern approach to account origination applicable to both workforce and customer workflows. Illustrating our live facial biometrics matched to government issued credentials with +99% accuracy without race or gender decisioning bias. We’re showcasing how we use onboarding to deliver the workforce a powerful passwordless MFA to verify user identity at each login and customers a portable, private, reusable digital wallet for secure access to all of their online services.

Product distribution strategy: B2B, Licensed


Bus. Dev.: Jens Hinrichsen (SVP, N.A. Sales),, 585-766-2227
Press: Marc Gendron,

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