FinovateSpring 2016 / Quid
Presenter Profile:
How they describe themselves: The Quid platform expands your ability to comprehend massive amounts of unstructured text on any given topic. Through interactive visual maps, Quid makes it easy to navigate through the world’s collective intelligence and better understand relationships that were previously hidden. We empower our users to develop insight and make decisions based on the best and most current information available, not just for what time allows.
How they describe their product/innovation: To date, users have access to our integrated data sources but have not been able to use their own internal streams or upload custom data sources. Our upcoming product launch will do just that. We will provide our users with the power to visualize and explore any textual data stream so that they can discover even more powerful insights. Our new product will give users the ability to upload custom data, such as earnings reports, earnings call transcripts, customer feedback, or any other text-based dataset.
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms
Bus. Dev. & Sales: Sarah Pilewski, Principal,
Press: Dan Buczaczer, VP of Marketing,