FinovateSpring 2017 / AccountScore

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: AccountScore is a technology, data and analytics platform for lenders and other financial services providers analysing bank transaction data to transform clients’ affordability and credit processes as well providing a seamless customer onboarding process in an automated fashion.

The team behind AccountScore developed the award winning UK lending company SafetyNet Credit which uses bank transaction data throughout its product and as such AccountScore has been optimised specifically to work within a lending product.

AccountScore has been operational in the UK for one year and is proud to announce that it is launching its US platform at Finovate San Jose.

How they describe their product/innovation: The innovations that we are demoing at Finovate are AccountScore’s normalisation, categorisation and recurrence data engines which sit within the core product.

This will demonstrate that the USP of AccountScore is not merely the provision of bank transaction data to users of the service (although that is part of it) but the data categorisation and analytics applied to the raw data which give clients a cleaned up, categorised and machine readable data set, specifically optimised for lending, which they can choose to utilise either into an automated process through an API or a manual process through the AccountScore dashboard.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms, licensed


Bus. Dev.: Emma Steeley, Commercial Director,, +44 7775 900 688
Press & Sales: Joseph Hungin, Head of Strategic Partnerships, USA,, +44 7450 008 256

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